Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Great Big Book Of Algebra

In other years this would have been called a Growing Post. This year I am calling this blogging assignment The Great Big Book of Algebra. It's inspiration came from a cartoon called Stanley Tiger Tales. Here it goes. Remember only one post for this assignment. You will need to edit often to complete the assignmet.

The Great Big Book of Algebra

Warning this is a long post with lots of information. READ the whole thing before choosing anything to do!!!

This will be one post that you will create over time. You will be expected to do many things and have it published on a certain days. You can do the entire assignment in a few days or really think and do it over the entire period of time.

Blogger Labels will be

1. your blogger name
2. intpoetry
3. greatbigbook

The Great Big Book of Algebra is due on December 19th 9:00. (or at least some parts are!!)

Chapter 1 Integer Poetry.
You need to create 5 Integer poems. The poems topics are:

  • Adding Integers
  • Subtracting Integers
  • Partitive Division
  • Quotative Division
  • The "Rule for Multiplying" integers (Ron's Rule, Pratts Law, Mel's Rockpile etc)

This chapter on Integer Poetry is due on Friday. They must be published not saved in Draft. Make sure you have all the needed materials to complete this assignment.

There are many different types of poems out there. I am going to show you a few. You need to use 3 different types of poetry in your first chapter.

Haiku: Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry which combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form. Many themes include nature, feelings, or experiences. A haiku poem is three lines in length. The first line is 5 syllables: the second is seven syllables: the third is five syllables.

Life Lesson

The fierce wind rages
And I see how trees survive -
They have learned to bend.


Homing geese, still winged,
Sliding down shafts of sunset
To join their shadows.

Another form of Japanese Poetry is called Tanka

Tanka: Tanka is another type of Japanese poetry and is almost like an extension of the haiku. The tanka is a 5 line poem.

Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
Line 4: 7 syllables
Line 5: 7 syllables


Debris in the wind
Indiscriminately blinds
Eyes searching a path.
To turn one's back to the wind
Reveals but where one has been.

Cinquain: Cinquain poems are five lines in length. There are two main forms.
Line 1: One word topic (noun)
Line 2: Two describing words (adjectives)
Line 3: Three action words (verbs)
Line 4: A four-word phrase
Line 5: A synonym or equivalent for the topic

Growling, feeding, razing
Predator from the ancient past

Line 1: Topic (2-syllable word or words)
Line 2: 4 syllables describing topic
Line 3: 6 syllables expressing action
Line 4: 8 syllables expressing feeling
Line 5: 2 syllables - a synonym for the topic

I touch
Two curving things
The barrel of this pen,
The slow uncertain winding of
This verse.

Free Verse Poetry

Free verse poetry is free from the normal rules of poetry. The poet may choose to include some rhyming words but the poem does not have to rhyme. A free verse poem may be just a sentence that is artistically laid out on the page or it can be pages of words. Some forms of free verse separate, or split, phrases and words between lines. Punctuation may be absent or it may be used to place greater emphasis on specific words. The main object of free verse is to use colorful words, punctuation, and word placement to convey meaning to the reader

Heroes Are
courageous collaborators,
originators of opportunities,
champions of coincidence or circumstance.
heroes act through intelligence
and at other times
through ignorance.

Picture: A picture poem, is a poem made of letters or words which create an actual picture or form on the page.


I were a
kite on high
I could fly up to the sky
Up to the blue sky
High a cloud
I wish I were
A kite

Diamante: Diamante is the Italian word for diamond. The poetic form takes the shape of a diamond when it is completed. A diamante is a seven line poem.
There are two patterns to choose from. Pattern one develops one topic. Pattern two starts out with one theme and in the middle begins to move toward an opposite theme.
Line 1: Choose a topic (noun)
Line 2: Use two describing words (adjectives)
Line 3: Use three action words (verbs)
Line 4: Use a four-word phrase capturing some feeling about the topic
Line 5: Use three action words (verbs)
Line 6: Use two describing words (adjectives)
Line 7: Use a synonym for an ending word (noun)

Example 1: This poem expresses one theme about a pop singing star.

Famous, successful
Singing, dancing, shouting
Mesmerizing the adoring audience
Performing, working, reaching
Frenzied, dazzling

Line 1: Choose a noun as your title and an opposite word (an antonym) for the ending word of your poem
Line 2: Use two adjectives (describing words) for the title (line 1)
Line 3: Use three verbs (action words or "ing" words for the title
Line 4: Use two words to express the title noun - then two words to express the opposite ending noun. The theme changes in this line.
Line 5: Choose three action words for the ending noun
Line 6: Use two words to describe the ending noun
Line 7: Use one word - the antonym (opposite) you decided upon in line one

Frisky, buoyant
Warming, sparkling, reveling
Nonsense, comedy -- witchery, absurdity
Haunting, piercing, confusing
Doubtful, lonely

This will stretch your creative thinking. It is OK to do the picture poem on a piece of paper and hand post a picture of your work.

This ends Chapter one. Good luck and happy poetry writing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hmm How did this get here???

That probably will be on your test tomorrow. If you are smart you will pass the information along to as many people as you can!!! It pays to pay attention to the blog.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Multiplicative Inverse

Here is a ustream of the class today.

Here are the slides from today's class
multiplicative inverse
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: integers division)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Division on Integers Part III

Here is part of the lesson today. Sorry the machine was not cooperating today.

Here are the slides. See you on Monday

Division Of Integers Part 3
View SlideShare document or Upload your own.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Division of Integers Part II

Here is the class from today

Here are the slides from today
Division 2
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: dividing integers)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Guess what you are doing next...

Hey what language is that anyways?????

Dividing Integers

Here is the ustream of the class.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 17th Sub Instructions

Hi as you can see I am not at school today. Please be good for Ms. Hay. If you are really good you can ask her stories about when she was a grade 8 student and I was across the hall from her math classes.

First item of business. Correct your quiz from last week. Ms Hay will hand out the quizzes. Pass them to a neighbor to mark. The photo below is the quiz with the answers. Make sure you correct this quiz when you get it back. You must show the work and explain what you did wrong. Ask a neighbor if you do not know.

Ms Hay must have your mark by the end of the class. You will receive 0 if you have not given it to her.

Now Part 2. You have homework to do today. You must complete page 6 in the green booklet. The questions deal with order of operations and integers. You also need to do page 51 in your yellow booklet.

  • remember to box off
  • after you box off you only have one integer coming out of each box
  • Pull down the order of operations sign
  • Do not forget the rules when adding and subtracting integers.
You can also do the question a bit differently. You can include the order of operation sign in the box off. A + becomes a (+1) and a - becomes a (-1).
  • box off including the order of operations sign
  • change the order of operations sign to a positive or negative 1
  • do the multiplication inside the box
  • only one integer comes out of the box
  • add the integers that come out of the box.
Mark your quiz then correct your quiz. Please complete all of your homework.

Scribes make sure there are scribes.

Thanks for being such great Sargent Park Students.
This is the Blogger Video It is the same as the Youtube and to be used as a backup.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Order of Operations and Integers

Here is today's class. Have a good weekend.

Here are the smartboard notes

Oops And Integers
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: integers)


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mel's Rockpile Theorem of Multiplying Integers

Here is a broadcast of today's lesson.

Please complete this Survey

Please complete this survey for a class in the United States.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Multiplying Integers and Ron's Rule

Here are the slides and notes from today

Here are the slides

Monday, November 10, 2008

Multiplying Integers Part 3

Here are your notes for today. Enjoy the show.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Today's Lesson on Multiplying Integers

Here is a screen capture of today's lesson.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Multiplying Integers

Here are the notes for multiplying integers.

816 Mult Int Part 1
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: spmath multiplying)

Here is the lesson with 8-41.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Square Brackets and Integers

Here are your notes from today.

Integer Square Brackets
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: integers)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Order Of Operations and Integers

Here are today's notes from class. Thanks for working so hard.

Integers Order of operation
View SlideShare document or Upload your own. (tags: integers spmath)