Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh no I have done something wrong

Here is a problem that I completed am I correct? Leave a comment on what I did correct and where a mistake could be. Please explain to me how to do this question correctly.
Don't forget. Answer this problem first then leave a comment. I'll make a new mistake tomorrow.


LisaM said...

You got it wrong because you counted the perfect square and you were not suppose to. the corredct answe is 9 and 8 over 19. You do this question by [81] 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 [89] 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [100] there are now 19 numbers the factor of 81 is 9 so the mixed number is 9 and becouse it is a perfect square it has to be a whole number so the number is 1 over 81 # 82 will be 1 over 19 becouse there are 19 numbers and 82 is the first number that you count # 83 will be 2 over 19 and so on that is my explnation on how you answer that question.
By: Lisa Medeiros

Grand Master Flash_abdul said...

you got the question wrong mr h because u counted the perfect square.
The corect answer is 9 8/19. To do this question first i found out wat times wat equals 81 that how i found the whole number. Then to find the numerator i counted how much numbers
are between 81 an 89 and theres 8 numbers. so the numerator is 8 now to find the numerator you count how mant numbers are between 81 to 100 and there nineteen numbersand u don't count from 81 u start from 82. That how u get the answer which is 9 8/19 that my explaination.

tears_77 said...

Mr. H's answer:

He said the square root of 89 is
9 8/19.

What Mr. H did correct:

His denominator of 19 was correct.
He probably did the shortcut that was told in class today.

You subtract the first perfect square from the next perfect square.

In this case the perfect square before 89 is 81 and the perfect square after 89 is 100.
So 100-81 = 19

What else did Mr. H did correct:

His whole number was 9 which is correct.

I found a shortcut to find the whole number.

Find the factor of the perfect square before the number you are trying to solve.

In this case the perfect square before 89 is 81. So when you look at your chart the factor of 81 is 9x9 so 9 is your whole number.

What Mr. H did wrong:

When he was counting the numbers when he was trying to find the numerator he included the first perfect square.

This is what he did:

(81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

To help you avoid that mistake I'll tell you another shortcut that will make things faster and easier.

You subtract the perfect square before the number you are trying to solve from the number you are trying to solve.

In this case the perfect square before 89 is 81. So 89-81 = 8 so that is your numerator.

* Those shortcut will help you avoid common mistakes other people make. I hope you understand my explanation.

~l~e~s~l~i~e~ said...

what mr.h did: square root of 89 in fraction form is 9 9/19
what mr.h did wrong: he added the first perfect square, which you are not post to do!

the right way: the first perfect square would be 81 and the next would be 100. then the first p.s. would be a whole # then you would have to count the rest of the numbers except the first whole # which would be 19 then you would count all the non p.s. #'s til you got to the # you wanted to find the square root fraction of. then you would get your fraction! which would be 9 8/19
*81*,82,83,84,85,86,87,*89*,90,91,92, 93,94,95,96,97,98,99,*100*

a quicker way: have your 2 p.s. and subtract them (100-81=19) then thats your denominator then to find your nominator take your square root # and your first p.s. and subtract them form each other (89-81=8) then you would get your fraction 9 8/19

REMEMBER: DONT forget the whole number in front! which is the first p.s. square root so 81's is 9!